Monday, September 17, 2012


As a Breeder I have learned to love the puppies while they are with me but don't get too attached. But every once in a while there is that one that steals my heart. The rule of thumb is never give them a name. Once I give them a name, They are mine. He is from a litter of Three. 1 boy and 2 girls. Right from the start he was twice as big as his Sisters. He was so Rolly Polly everyone that saw him thought he was adorable. As they got older  even though he was much bigger, his Sisters would pick on him. I called him Baby Huey. He was always crying and complaining about something. He was one of those puppies that I was really looking forward to going home. Don't get me wrong he got plenty of attention. But for some reason we just didn't hit it off. If I were to pick a puppy to keep it wouldn't be him. Well the big day came, they were ready to go home. As much as I love puppies by 8 weeks I am ready for them to go home. I pick him up to give him his bath and he has a big scrape on his ear. I guess his Sister wanted to beat him up one last time. About 10 minutes before his new owner came to get him I picked him up the Show Paula his ear and he yelped. I wasn't to concerned because they had gotten their shots the day before and sometimes that can make them a little sore. Then I put him down and he was really limping. Needless to say when his new owner came I told her she couldn't take him home until I had him checked . I knew he would be going to a home with 4 young children.  She really wanted to take him but I said NO. All the time in the back of my mind I am thinking  WHY HIM!!! why not one of the nice quiet girls. The Vet suggested crate rest for one week. As much as he complained I tried to keep him quiet. so I would hold him. and that seemed to do the trick. After a week no more limping Called the women. He's good to go. Then he starts limping again. Back to the Vet for more tests. Now they are testing for life threatening things like Cancer and rare blood disorders These test had to be sent out so  my Vet said I needed to name him.  I only thought for a minute and said COSMO. I will name him Cosmo. Test results took 2 long weeks.  Negative, negative all the test were negative. he would stop limping and as soon as I told this new family he could go home he would start limping again.. I finally talked the other family into taking a different puppy. and wouldn't you know, He stopped limping again.. In the mean time We finally figure out what was wrong. I had told my Vet right from the start what it was but he was missing one key symptom Hess the other tests. By now I love this little dog and he very much loves me. He follows me everywhere. He is one of those dogs that you never have to look for. All I have to do is look down and he is there staring up at me. I keep telling myself  No you can not keep him.  I will just keep him long enough to train him and find him the perfect home. . Well that day has come. Cosmo will be going home tomorrow . The tears are rolling down my face as I write this. I cuddle with him and tell him its time to go home. I set him down on the floor as he walks away I notice that he is LIMPING. Are you kidding me. Was this his plan all along. We will have to wait and see.


  1. You will only be a part for short periods of time. You found him the perfect home where he will still be with you as much as he's with them, lol. He's such a little lovebug I can see how he pulled on your heartstrings

  2. I am sitting outside as I type watch Harper and Cosmo play in the grass. Cosmo is SO CUTE, and since I know what it is I'm not worried about the limping and know he will grow ut of it. I really felt bad taking him away from Diane, though....but yes Stephanie you are right. He and Harper are scheduled to board at Diane's in less than two weeks!

  3. I thinks I did good Lynn never saw me cry :(

  4. No, but I felt like crying as we drove away, so I knew....

  5. I felt the same way the day I brought my Gladis home. Bittersweet.
