Sunday, September 16, 2012

my foot surgery

me sweeping

me feeding
 I recently had foot surgery. So I am on crutches. Crutches are not really made for people that are active like me. On the other hand I guess they figure if your on crutches your not suppose to BE active. Who ever invented them must not have actually ever had to use them or they would have fixed the flaws. I on the other hand  am using mine for the 3rd time in 2 years. The first flaw is that they should be free standing. The second you stop walking and take your hand off the support they go crashing to the ground. (Westies all running for cover).Me hopping around on one leg trying to pick them up. I know you guys are chuckling picturing me hopping around. The second flaw is they are very slippery. So if I do in fact remember to  pull them from out of my arm pits and lean them against the wall or something the slightest vibration sends them crashing to the floor yet again. With Westies again running for cover. The third and most frustrating  is they need a cup holder. It is in fact impossible (believe me I have tried) to carry a cup of coffee while using crutches. Me being the creative person that I am, have figured out how to get around without using my crutches and still not walk on my foot. I am now able to do just about everything in the house. I am still working on something for outside. Inside I simply use my rolling office chair. I have one for upstairs and one for down stairs. I just kneel on it and away I go. I can even carry my coffee now. The Westies don't seem to mind either way. They never take offence to the crutches but the Shepherd think for sure that they are some sort on evil Demons out to get them and the second they see me reaching for them they run for cover.


  1. It sounds weirdDiane, but you might consider a walker. They have a shelf and a basket and are pretty handy. Maybe once you can put a little weight on your foot.

  2. only you would come up with something so clever in such a short time.
