Saturday, September 15, 2012

The early years

I have finally taken the plunge and Started my Blog. For those that choose to follow my journey you will get a glimpse of my life as a Westie Breeder. The good the bad and the ugly. Every job has them, You just have to make sure the GOOD outweighs the BAD and.UGLY I am going to tell you right off the bat that I have very poor writing skills as far a proper grammar. My sentences like my thoughts seem to go on and on. My spelling is horrific. Thank god for spell check!

  Well let me start out by telling you a little about my childhood. I grew up on a farm in Hooksett NH. Nowadays you wouldn't really call it a farm, it was actually only 2 acres, but to me it was a farm with lots of animals. As many as 2 acres could hold and at times even more then it could hold. Horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, turkeys cats, DOGS and even a few monkeys. I had 2 Brothers and 3 Sisters. Back in those days kids had chores. We all were expected to help with the animals. I loved all the animals but the Dogs and the Goats were my favorites. One of my chores was feeding the dogs. Now if I had become a goat farmer chances are I wouldn't know any of you that are reading this. So I am glad I chose to become a Westie Breeder. We had all sorts of different breeds of dogs, big and small. My favorites were (and still are) the Westies and the German Shepherds. I also started my Grooming career when I was a kid. I remember it like it was yesterday. I would take out my Mother's ironing board and put the dogs on it to brush them and give them little haircuts..
 It's funny that even though I didn't give it much thought at the time, I was actually planning my career. Of course I cannot find any pictures of me with my favorite dogs because I also loved taking pictures when I was a kid. So I have lots of pictures of my dogs, but none of me with the my dogs.

"Greta" was our first Westie. I really don't know why my Mother chose to get a Westie. Back then most dogs were mutts. (These days they call them designer dogs). Imagine how rich those people that had all those accidental litters would be if they had just been smart enough to think of a cute name for then like (puggles, labradoodles or Schnoodles). Back then if you wanted an uncommon purebred dog you had to get it from a PET STORE.Funny how things have changed I have no idea how my Mother even found a male to breed her Westie to. There was no internet back then. Back when I was a kid. There were no leash laws and very few people got their dogs spayed/neutered. I can remember packs of dogs hanging around our house whenever there was a female in heat. Some days we were not allowed to go out and play because my Parents feared the pack of dogs would hurt us. We all managed to survive. . I will most likely go from past to present as I write. My dogs have probably taught me far more then I have taught them.


  1. I'm so excited that you are doing this. I cant wait to read it all ;)

  2. So much about how we live our lives has changed over the past 50 years.
    I think it is so important to pass on these memories and stories because I don't think things will ever go back to being that hard and yet appreciated again. Everything is going too fast to just live life well. Thank you for sharing them with all of us as well as the wonderful dogs you share with us.

  3. Dear Diane, I was thrilled to wake up to read the start of your blog this morning. I am so curious about your life and how you got started on this path.

    Would you mind telling us what year you were born?I just robert if you are a child of the fifties like me...:)

  4. I guess that would be important as things change so much from year to year. I was born December 26, 1959.

  5. Thanks for sharing the story of your life as a westie breeder. We recently bought a female westie, which we named Bella, and we are astonished as to the extent that our entire family has bonded and attached to her. We swore that we would never have an indoor dog, but my older son opened that door when he brought home his yorkie, Gizmo. Then we got Bella and now we are hooked. It's as if my wife and I are raising another child. My youngest son, 18 yrs old, has referred to her as his little sister. She is definitely a member of the family. A beautiful, compassionate, intelligent, and playful breed of dog. We love her. We hope to read more of your stories in the future. They confirm and give us new insight into the character of our cuddly companion. Thanks again.
